photo by: David White/Altoriso Productions

David Hart is a necktie designer in New York City. This blog is a collection of images and things that inspire him.

49 Responses to “About The Invisible Agent”

  1. honeypenny said

    hey you have a very cool site! I love all the vintage info! I was just in New York a few days ago. Happy new year!

  2. after visiting your blog, potency of black and white has further been reaffirmed for me at least.

  3. Hi David!

    I just got an email about your ties at Bergdorf’s from the urban daddy list serve and recognized your name. Congrats on starting your own company..the ties look great! I hope you’re the next Ralph.

    warms regards,

    Shane (production assistant who sat across from you at Tommy).

  4. JP said

    Great blog. I especially enjoyed the old HSM ads– i used to work for them.



  5. cool 😉



  6. Natalie said

    Where did you get the rock’em sock’em image. I would be perfect for our marketing effors

    Thank you-

  7. giiid said

    Your ability to find interesting and “related” images and subjects are amazing, and very inspiring. I am realy impressed about how consistently you are working.

  8. adam lark said

    Your posts are unique. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Beth said

    Love your website.

    This, by the way reminded me of one of your wonderful ties…

  10. MrRay said

    Just found your blog and am an instant fan! Stoked to find another with such similar interests. Keep ’em coming.


  11. Jerry Helck said

    I have a blow-up of a 1912 HS&M advert showing eight nattily attired young men, and an improbably coiffed young lady, on and around a Mercer Raceabout(the hot car of it’s day). My father was a commercial artist and motorsports fan and I’ve speculated whether this may have been his work. In any case, it’s a super graphic that your readers may enjoy and while its too big for me to scan, I could send a jpeg image and if a anyone can identify the artist I’ll be delighted.

  12. daisie said

    I ahve just bought an original 1950’s pair of Cabana Shasta Black Cateye sunglasses, can you tell me how I know if they are the real thing as I cant find anything about them on the internet?

  13. karen said

    hey! this is so random that i had this experience and you had yours within the same week or so… randomness. i’m obcessed with her. i didnt know she existed and now i can’t get enough of it! lol

  14. jay said


    I surfed your blog, it was nice.
    Maybe you have better to add RSS in your blog, GL.

  15. dinesh said

    Your blog containing great stuffs. Loved all the posts.
    Kind regards

  16. ritchot said

    I was wondering where you got the image bomb-shekter-1961.jpg Is it possible that I could get a higher resolution copy of that image? if so, please let me know how.
    Thanks. ritchot

  17. Lorna Joy said

    So, you’re the dapper fellow that bought my red typewriter! I’m so pleased. Your sensibility and your toys are a real tickle (as they used to say, and might say again!) If you’re interested in musical instruments, check out Bear Paw Fiddles, our vintage musical instrument company.

    I’m very pleased to have found your site. (I was searching on “1926 Royal Typewriter”, and there you were.)

    I look forward to perusing your site at greater length. Best regards from the other coast,

    Lorna Joy

  18. I’m enjoying your blog – great topics and writing. Thanks. I’ve added you to my list of worthy clicks. All the Best! – Paul

  19. Samantha said

    Recently stumbled upon your website. LOVE IT – you find some amazing things. Keep up the great work!

  20. Great to see Pat MaGoo on a blog, as well as the content!
    Great stuff.

    I’ll be following.

    By the way if you need some graphic design done…

  21. ann mcintyre said

    Hi I was looking at your wonderful site and noticed you collect straight razors.I have a very special one
    of King George and Queen Mary Coronation Special.Not many were given out so it is quite rare.I come from the UK and my dad had it for many years .I have Pictures if you would to see them.I was going to put it on Ebay UK but Thought I would like to give you first refusal Thanks annmac Let me know

  22. Black and white in the hair.
    Checks over quality starched shirt.
    Dark trousers / tie combo.
    “You have, got it going on”
    I think they say in Ameri can.

    Then again I’m dressed the same.
    In dogtooth rather than check.
    Secondhand Hector Powe.
    Padded chest. You know what I mean.


  23. steve pearce said

    I have a robot the same as your col 113 please how much is it worth ?

  24. Lynn said

    Beautiful Pictures. Love the Page. with I could connect it to my facebook !!

  25. ruizsf said


  26. Div said

    I have a blow-up of a 1912 HS&M advert showing eight nattily attired young men, and an improbably coiffed young lady, on and around a Mercer Raceabout(the hot car of it’s day). My father was a commercial artist and motorsports fan and I’ve speculated whether this may have been his work. In any case, it’s a super graphic that your readers may enjoy and while its too big for me to scan, I could send a jpeg image and if a anyone can identify the artist I’ll be delighted.

  27. Our loves are quite the same ! I love your blog pages!

  28. …you love the exact 50s cars that I do….couldn’t have picked a better assortment…very cool…

    ….also, thanks for the look/see into Raymond Loewy’s home….

    cogito ergo sum….

  29. emily said

    Great collection, very inspiring. Have you seen A Single Man yet – directed by Tom Ford? I think you would love it. Art deco 50’s style, architecture, cars (especially Collin Firths is beautiful) composition of each shot, etc etc !! Thanks, Em.

  30. I wondered if I could purchase one of your images of an Eichler home for a book I am writing called The Vintage House?

  31. cindy kim said

    i LOVE YOUR FUCKING SITE!!!! it is so raddd

  32. martin hallren said

    absolutely loved your site..i was looking for suzy parker and really found so much more! i really needed the escape… yesterday -i saw the avedon exhibit at the mfa in boston and it’s just amazing where the search for beauty will lead you*

    thanks so much for being there

  33. ** great site ** love the radios **

  34. Visiting your blog was absolutely inspiring. You have a beautiful vision of the world! Thank you for the creative energy!


  35. Can I get permission to print some of your images?

  36. melissa said

    have a chess set you are looking for please call 417-708-1359

  37. said

    Are you looking for an intern who loves ties and your work? If so, e-mail me. I would love to see how you work and the process behind designing a tie! Just picked one up at BG to add to my collection of DH ties…incredible everytime. But really, I would love to intern with you….

  38. AnnaZed said

    I just love this blog.

    I went all over that Tucked site and couldn’t find you though.

    I thought that you might like this blog, are those places cool looking or what?

  39. Brent said

    Your site is very stylish. I am routinely drawn to visit and look everything over. Thank you.

  40. Greg Brewer said

    Patrick Sargent saw me in Nordstrom’s in King of Prussia sporting a bow tie and stopped me, complimented my tie and (when he found out I lived in Manhattan) gave me your name. Nice site- love the tartan ties and the denim four in hand- too bad I only wear bow ties.

  41. Hi David
    Great site….enjoyed the cartoons…i have always been a fan of the Adams Family!!

  42. Chuck said

    Wonderfully eclectic yet inter-related effort. Keep it up. Many thanks – CJG

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